Brand plateform & Storytelling
In a few words
The fundamentals of storytelling, its techniques and tools for building your brand platform and deploying your visual identity across different channels
Public concerned :
Professionals responsible for or involved in communications and marketing
Your objectives: reach your targets by creating an emotional impact, to enhance your brand image, to generate brand awareness in order to attract new customers
This course will give you an insight into today's brand culture and help you acquire the fundamentals of storytelling in order to build your brand platform
Training Programme
Introduction: Brand culture:
-Cultural identity markers.
-The founding myth, the brand story and its values.
-Personality(ies), emblematic products and rites.
-The role of RS communities.
Storytelling 3.0:
-Origins, principles and fields of application.
-The founding myth, know-how, personality, materials, icons... How to choose?
-How to write your story.
Building your brand platform:
-Study your targets to identify the problem solved by your brand.
-Analyse your competition to define your positioning and determine the differentiating factors you can leverage.
-Formulate a real and exclusive promise to engage with your customers.
-Create brand storytelling to provide evidence and give your brand credibility.
-Think about a visual identity that is consistent with your brand's platform to prepare your future graphic charter.
Building your storytelling:
-Identifying the personality of your brand.
-Choosing the brand content.
-Choosing the right images, style and words to generate emotion.
-Creating a bond with your customers and making it last.